4 Easy Ways to Improve your Health in the New Year

4 Easy Ways to Improve your Health in the New Year

At the beginning of each year we all start off with the best intentions. The ominous topic of a New Year’s resolution creeps in. Often, our goals are out of proportion to what we can physically, mentally, and emotionally handle at any given moment. The reality is, our lives are hectic, we experience a high level of demand on a daily basis, and we have very limited bandwidth to incorporate yet another time consuming task to our list such as take care of ourselves. Sound familiar?

How Daily Stress Threatens Your Survival

How Daily Stress Threatens Your Survival

There has been much written on the topic of stress, and how to cope with it; but much less on the function of stress in the maintenance of life, and how modern life has turned this protective mechanism against us. Let’s begin here.