Re:New Detox Program
Let's face it, our modern living environment is a giant toxic soup! Our air is polluted, our rivers and drinking water are contaminated, our health and beauty care products are poisonous, and we eat nutrient deficient foods soaked in rancid oils and pesticides. On top of that, we're exhausted, overworked, allergic to everything, addicted to various chemicals, and lacking in the department of happiness.
I get it, your body is fatigued, your digestive tract is angry at you, your immune system is overwhelmed, and your mind is foggy, frustrated, and tired. You and I know this is the perfect storm for a health crisis, and that's why you're here.
Lets talk about you. 2017 is the year you turn your health around. This year you will feel more energy than before; you'll have a clearer mind; better digestion, and that skin thing, yeah, that's going bye-bye too. Imagine how you will feel, and what you will do with this New You that 2017 will find? How do you get there? Your first steps are with the Re:New Detox Program.
“...the appearance of disease in human populations is influenced by the quality of air, water and food; the topography of the land, and general living habits.””
I designed the Re:New Detox Program to teach you how to engage your body in a thorough whole body cleanse, and how to design your environment to be less toxic, and reduce your toxic exposure. This program has the potential to radically improve your health by restoring your digestion, clearing your mind, and energizing your body and mind, improving your body's ability to stay healthy, disease free, and feeling alive and vibrant.
Unlike most other detox programs the Re:New Detox Program utilizes a holistic approach and addresses toxicity not only on the physical level, but also on the mental/emotional and spiritual levels. Not only do I provide you with the information, tools, and direction needed to cleanse your body of highly toxic chemicals, I also provide you instruction on how to adopt a healthful routine, and purge your mind and spirit of toxic thoughts and beliefs that predispose you to self-sabotage and failure.
In this program your will learn the following:
- How to gently and safely engage all 3 phases of detoxification using foods, high quality supplements, and movement based therapeutics.
- How to utilize not only the liver to detoxify (which is the basis of most detox programs out there), but also how to engage all organs of elimination including the kidney's, lungs, intestines, skin, and lymphatics.
- How your negative thoughts and beliefs contribute to your overall toxic burden, and how to put the brakes on this relentless source of toxicity.
This 3 step program is delivered in a series of video modules where I will personally walk you through each step of the program and demonstrate how to maximize your efforts in order to reach optimal results.
As a a bonus, by enrolling in this program, you become a member of my Re:Nature community which affords you 20% off all supplements and health products offered in Dr. McCarthy's Health Store until 2018.
In addition, to the above highlights and benefits, you will be enrolled into Dr. McCarthy's private Facebook community where Dr. McCarthy holds monthly Q&A sessions for participants enrolled in the Re:New Detox Program. In this forum you can engage in daily conversation with other participants about yours and their experience with the program, difficulties that you may encounter along the way, and insights on how to overcome common obstacles. Together your Re:New Detox community, and I, will help you succeed in detoxifying, and adopting a healthy holistic lifestyle for a future of sustainable health and wellness.