What we do at SDCNM:

  • Naturopathic Primary Care = Comprehensive patient-centered holistic healthcare focused in natural therapeutics and guided by the 6-principles of Naturopathic Medicine.
    • The 6 Principles of Naturopathic Medicine
      1. Identify and Treat the Causes: Look beyond the symptoms to the underlying cause

      2. Treat the Whole Person: View the body as an integrated whole in all its physical and spiritual dimensions.

      3. First Do No Harm: Utilize the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies.

      4. The Healing Power of Nature: Trust in the body’s inherent wisdom to heal itself.

      5. Doctor as Teacher: Educate patients in the steps to achieving and maintaining health.

      6. Prevention: Focus on overall health, wellness and disease prevention.

Dr. Elijah McCarthy, ND is the owner and lead clinician at San Diego Center for Naturopathic Medicine. 

Dr. Elijah McCarthy, ND is the owner and lead clinician at San Diego Center for Naturopathic Medicine. 

Office Hours: 

Tuesday: 10am - 6pm

Thursday: 10am - 6pm

Friday: 2pm - 6pm

By Appointment only.

Office Location:

11770 Bernardo Plaza Court, Ste. 458, San Diego, CA 92128

Phone: 858-252-4776

Fax: 858-746-5163


Have Questions? Call us: 858-252-4776

What are some features of the care provided?

  • Physical Exam 

All patient's receive an annual general physical exam, and periodic focused physical exams based on intake findings, and your overall health concerns. 


  • Functional laboratory analysis 

Dr. McCarthy is highly proficient in ordering and interpreting the appropriate laboratory tests needed to best understand your current health status, and how to improve less than optimal lab values. Specimens include blood, urine, stool, and saliva. 


  • Physical Medicine

There is a physical component to most health concerns, even if pain is not characteristic of the problem.  Dr. McCarthy is trained in myofascial release, muscle energy technique, neuromuscular retraining, pelvic blocking, HVLA & LVLA naturopathic corrections, exercise therapy, and craniosacral therapy (CST). These physical medicine treatments are effective at: reducing pain; increasing mobility; increasing energy; weight loss; improving digestion; clearing brain-fog; balancing hormones; improving sleep, increasing core strength, improving posture, and eliminating headaches.


  • Clinical Nutrition

As a core modality, individualized nutrition plans often form the basis of most therapeutic strategies. When appropriate, Dr. McCarthy may prescribe IV nutritional therapy which may be completed in office.


  • Therapeutic Fasting

A long forgotten therapy in this day and age of overindulgence; however, when indicated, Dr. McCarthy uses therapeutic fasting with great efficacy in rebooting the taste palate, vastly improving detoxification, as well as help the patient feel more at home and grounded in their body.


  • Botanical Medicine 

When indicated, Dr. McCarthy often prescribes an individualized botanical medicine formula which may include any of the following: botanical tincture or glycerite; herbal infusions/decoctions; topical botanical preparations; acetracts, oxymels, fomentations, etc. 


  • Hydrotherapy

This modality utilizes the affects of hot and cold water on the physiology of the body. Dr. McCarthy utilizes hydrotherapy techniques in  treating acute physical conditions such as sprains and strains, as well as promoting lymphatic drainage, increasing metabolism, stimulating the immune system and improving detoxification.


  • Homeopathic medicine

When indicated, Dr. McCarthy prescribes an individualized homeopathic medicine to address disturbances in the vital force and to help potentiate the body's natural capacity to heal. 


  • Counseling 

At the core of the therapeutic relationship is trust and empathy. Dr. McCarthy is a trained health counselor and utilizes counseling techniques in assisting patient's along in their journey towards health and well-being. Dr. McCarthy often employs visualization techniques, and in office guided meditations and visualizations to help patient's clear negative thought patterns and beliefs, and discover their Authentic-self.


  • Detoxification 

A fundamental aspect of health and wellness, detoxification protocols are often a mainstay in long-term lifestyle management programs, and are used regularly in the treatment of a wide range of health disturbances utilizing many of the aforementioned modalities.

What are some conditions that Dr. McCarthy treats?

First and foremost, Dr. McCarthy is a primary-care physician. This means that he is trained to treat or triage any health concern that walks into the office. Now, since Dr. McCarthy is human, there are conditions that Dr. McCarthy may refer out for if he feels that you would be best served by a different practitioner with a specialty in your health concern. However, even if you are referred out to a specialist, Dr. McCarthy often works in coordination with other doctors and specialists in order to provide optimal, holistic care of you the patient. With that said, the following is a list of health concerns that Dr. McCarthy treats frequently:

  • Autoimmune diseases (e.g. Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, Fibromyalgia, Hashimoto's, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.)
  • Thyroid disorders (hyper, or hypo, including autoimmune thyroid diseases)
  • Adrenal disorders
  • Gastrointestinal disorders (IBS, Gastritis, Gallbladder issues, GERD, SIBO, Leaky-Gut, Hypochlorhydria, Dyspepsia, etc.)
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes Mellitus type 2 & Metabolic Syndrome
  • Neurodegenerative diseases (Dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's)
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety, Depression
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hormone imbalances (PMS, PCOS, perimenopause transition, low T, low libido, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, etc.)
  • Reproductive health concerns (infertility, PCOS, dyspareunia, amenorrhea, etc.) 
  • Skin disorders (eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.)
  • Weight-loss
  • Acute illness (cold/flu, respiratory, food-borne illness, etc.)

Does Dr. McCarthy complete specialty physical exams?

Yes, in addition to general physical exams, Dr. McCarthy also completes the following exams:

  • Well child exams (ages 1 month - 18 years)
  • Well-woman's exam / gynecological exams
  • Male screening exam's
  • Physical exams for school/work